



Sony CEO: We aren't selling off our TV or smartphone businesses



Sony announcing today will settle a lawsuit for identity theft with its employees. $8 million, the amount of information that was stolen from Sony, the largest amount from any corporation. The President and CEO talked to me about that famous hack and the future of the company.
You have this big job, Sony logging a largely unprofitable decade, a lot of people calling it a lost decade. But now under your leadership restructuring plan, Sony may eke out an operating profit for the first time in 10 years. Does it feel attainable to you from where we stand today?
Well, I’ve become CEO three and a half years ago, and we’ve taken some aggressive steps to restructure the organization, get out of unprofitable businesses, and turn the businesses around category by category. As a matter of fact, for example, the TV business, which we were unprofitable for the last 10 years, we were able to turn around last fiscal year. And so a lot of the restructuring and the things that we put in place over the past three years have really started to bear fruit. And I think the Sony organization just overall is headed in the right direction.
I know your mission is to just overhaul the company into this more focused and profitable company. So is it fair to say that movies, music, video games, image censors are all going to be at the top of the resource of food chain? TVs and smartphones will be at the bottom or spun out or sold off when you can cut them or reorganize them.
So let me address the second point first. We are not selling off our TV business or smartphone business. TV business is now a fully owned subsidiary. The smartphone business has always been a fully owned subsidiary. We were able to turn the TV business around to profitability last fiscal year. We are well on our way to doing a necessary restructuring to turn the business for the smartphone business to profitability this fiscal year and next fiscal year and beyond. And as you mentioned, the growth areas for Sony really are going to be driven by image sensor business, entertainment businesses, and video game business. So that point that you mentioned is absolutely the important pillars Sony’s growth going forward.
Okay, so speaking of the gaming, and I know you have a particular area of expertise in this. How do you think that Sony’s PlayStation is going to compete with Microsoft Xbox or Nintendo Wii in this all-important holiday season?
I think that based on the past performance of the PlayStation 4 console vis-a-vis our competitors, not just in the U.S. market, but in Europe, in Japan, and elsewhere. We’re very confident about being able to keep our leadership position with PlayStation 4 in all those territories. And we have a lot of great games that are coming up between now and the end of the year. Certainly beyond that, which promises very well for the console. Not to mention the fact that we are talking about our foray into virtual reality with PlayStation VR. That’s a product that’s coming out next year.
米国市場だけでなく、欧州、日本、その他の地域でも、競合他社に対する「プレイステーション 4」の過去の実績から考えても、「プレイステーション 4」で首位の座を維持できると確信しています。私たちは、これらすべての地域において、プレイステーション4で主導的地位を維持できると確信しています。また、これから年末にかけて、そしてそれ以降も、たくさんの素晴らしいゲームが発売される予定であり、このゲーム機にとって非常に有望です。また、PlayStation VRを使ったバーチャルリアリティへの参入についてもお話ししています。これは来年発売される製品です。
And I heard you talk about virtual reality. Do you see any kind of application for this technology, whether it’s in gaming, but I’m more interested in beyond. When you see some of the products that you’re pitched, you have a large vision. Do you see where the average person is going to be using these, not just gamers?
I think, first of all, because it is coming from our PlayStation business, the video game applications are going to be first and foremost. But at the same time, there are other image-related applications or entertainment content. A lot of discussions are already happening with the folks down at Sony Pictures Entertainment for television and or motion picture content. And also, if you look at other business applications, whether it’s in, for example, in the manufacturing field or other consumer applications, there are a lot of different areas in which the application or the technology can be used broadly. But we want to make sure that we first start out with video game content and then move on to movie and television content first.
So, Mr. Michael S. Rogers, the NSA director, spoke recently and said that Sony did a great job handling the now infamous hack. Did you ever find out if there was a disgruntled employee involved with that?
ヘリッグさん、NSAのマイケル・ロジャース長官が最近講演し、ソニーは悪名高いハッキングによく対処したと述べました。その際、不満を持った従業員が関与していたかどうか 分りましたか?
I think that based on all the reports that we’ve gotten from the FBI and other authorities, this was not something that was perpetrated by a disgruntled employee. And that, in fact, it was actually an attack from a nation state. And that’s the information that we’ve gotten. And I think that’s the information that I think the members of the media have as well. Incidents like these issues, unfortunately, that is a part of life, part of business going forward. And whether it’s Sony, whether it’s anybody else, it’s not a question of if, but it’s more of a question of when. So rather than trying to say that this is never going to happen again, it’s more making sure that if, unfortunately, these incidents happen, that we are able to deal with it in a proactive, in a very quick manner.
So, Mr. Hirai, before we let you go, the one surprise, the biggest element that has made you readjust in these past three years, what is it?
You know, I think that, you know, one of the things that really inspires me is the fact that, you know, Sony is a worldwide organization with more than 140,000 employees. Now, we’ve been able to really rally around the cause of restructuring the organization to make it a more profitable and more strong organization going forward. And the past three and a half years has been just a great journey in making sure that we undertake that path.



  1. Aggressive steps to restructure: 「再構築のための積極的なステップを踏む」。企業が大きな変革を実施する際に使用される表現です。
  2. identity theft:「個人情報盗難」。
  3. settle a lawsuit:「訴訟で和解する」。裁判や訴訟を裁判所外で解決することを意味します。
  4. logging a largely unprofitable decade:「ほとんど利益を上げられない10年間を記録した」。largelyは「ほとんど」、loggingは「記録する」です。
  5. eke out:「やっとのことで達成する」。経済的な文脈では、特に利益や成果をぎりぎりで達成する状況を指すことが多いです。
  6. As a matter of fact:「事実、~」日常会話でよく使われ、話している内容を強調したりする際に用いられます。
  7. Turn the business around: 「ビジネスを立て直す」。業績が悪化していたビジネスを再び成功へと導くことを指します。
  8. Bear fruit: 「成果をもたらす」。努力や投資が実を結んだ結果を示すのに使われます。
  9. Overhaul the company:「会社を徹底的に見直す」。会社を徹底的に見直し、より集中的で収益性の高い企業へと変革することを意味します。
  10. Spun out or sold off:「スピンアウトさせるか売却する」。スピンアウトは、企業が自身の一部門を独立させ、新しい独立企業として設立すること、売却は企業が自身の部門を他の企業や投資家に対して直接売却することです。
  11. Fully owned subsidiary: 「完全子会社」。企業が別の企業の全ての株式を保有していることを表します。
  12. Vis-à-vis:「〜と比べて」。比較の文脈で使う場合は、特定の事項や人物を相対比較する際に用いられます。
  13. in all those territories:「全ての地域で」。
  14. promises very well:「非常に有望だ」。
  15. Our foray into:「新しい分野や市場への進出する」。企業がまだ経験が少ない分野や未開拓の市場に挑戦することを表すことが多いです。
  16. Well on our way to:「(ある目標に向かって)順調に進んでいる」。”We are making good progress towards restructuring our smartphone business to achieve profitability this fiscal year”も同じようなニュアンス。
  17. Eke out an operating profit: 「わずかながら営業利益を出す」。経済的に厳しい状況の中で利益を上げることを意味します。
  18. Pillars of growth: 「成長の柱」。企業の成長を支える主要な部分や分野を指します。
  19. Leadership position: 「リーダーシップの地位」。市場や業界内での優位な立場を意味します。
  20. Virtual reality: 「仮想現実」。
  21. Not to mention the fact that:「言うまでもなく」。ご存知の通り、に近い。PS VRを開発中であることはご存知の通り、というニュアンス。
  22. you’re pitched:「提案を受けた」。彼がビジネスの立場で様々な新しい製品や技術について説明を受け、それらをどのように会社の戦略に取り入れるかを考えるというニュアンスです。
  23. first and foremost:「優先度が高い」。foremostは「最も需要な」という意味。PlayStation事業から提供される製品やサービスの中で、ビデオゲームのが最も中心になると言っている。
  24. folks:「関係者」「人々」。カジュアルなニュアンスで使われる。より親しみを持った相手として自社従業員に対して使っている。似たようなシチュエーションで使われる”individuals”は形式的で各人が独立した場合の呼び方。
  25. NSA(National Security Agency):「国家安全保障局」。通信の監視や情報の収集を主な任務とする米国の情報機関。NSA directorは局長を指す。
  26. perpetrated:「犯された」。特に悪いことや犯罪を実行することを指します。
  27. Disgruntled employee:「不満を持った従業員」。
  28. Not a question of if, but when: 「もしではなく、いつか」。何かが起こることが避けられないときに使われる表現です。
  29. in a proactive:「積極的に」。先手を打つ、というニュアンス。よく使われる。
  30. rally around the cause of ~:「~という大義名分のもとに」。「rally around」が「団結する」という動詞句、「the cause of」がその団結の目的を指定する前置詞句。







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